April 24, 2012

South Carolina BAMFs - Gen. Charles M. Duke

Charlie Duke on the moon. Image courtesy of NASA.

     Forty years ago this month South Carolina native Charles M. Duke WALKED ON THE MOON. If that is not very definition of bad ass, I don't know what is.  His FOOTSTEPS are still on the moon! I mean, I really shouldn't have to say anything further to prove his BAMFness.

But I will.

April 15, 2012

History 2.0 - How Columbia Got Its Name PICSPAM

This may very well be the silliest thing I've ever done . . . but here goes:

The Year was 1786 and SC State Senator, John Lewis Gervais, introduced a bill to move the capital of South Carolina from Charleston to a more central location.

 Col. John Lewis Gervais

Haha! J/K, he actually looked like this:

Col. John Lewis Gervais (I prefer The Patriot version though, so get used to it)

The rest is after the cut!

April 1, 2012

If He Were Alive Today - James Henry Hammond

  James Henry Hammond was the Governor of South Carolina, a U.S. Senator and is probably most well-known for coining the phrase, "Cotton is King". He was also an egotistical, misogynistic jerk face and was, pretty much, a miserable excuse for a human being. However, being an awful person didn't keep him from becoming a powerful political figure, having a school named after him or stop his home, Redcliffe Plantation, from becoming a State Park. In fact, it still holds true today that no matter what kind of ridiculous blowhard you might be, you can still be very rich and have the support of other like minded people. When you think about it, things haven't changed all that much and that made me wonder what old James Henry Hammond might be like if he were alive today.

Curious? Explore the possibilities with me after the cut!